Thursday 1 March 2018

Cookbook Countdown #27

New challenge at Cookbook Countdown!
Addition of monthly themes on top of the regular monthly cookbook countdown! 

Starting this month, we are introducing a new challenge right here at Cookbook Countdown! Each month, there will be a new theme, to make cooking and baking a little more fun. The monthly themes will be listed on the right side bar so that you may plan accordingly. To summarize and clear any confusion, you may ;
  • link as usual, by cooking or baking from any of your cookbooks, magazines or e-book and link your posts in the monthly linky OR
  • join our monthly challenge, cook or bake from any of your cookbooks based on the monthly theme or selected cookbook/chef, and link your posts in the monthly linky OR
  • both of the above! Link as many posts as you like! Free and easy! You decide!

The theme for this month,  March 2018 : Gino D'Acampo
(Use any cookbooks of Gino D'Acampo and link your posts in the linky below)

Looking forward to your posts!